Petrified Forest – Painted Desert —

Continuing our investigation of North Eastern Arizona, we visited the Petrified Forest National Park.  It is a most interesting and diverse park with three or four distinct stories to tell.  In fact, we found the park so interesting that we will be volunteering there the Fall of 2018!


Painted Desert & Painted Desert Inn

The Painted Desert Inn was built in the 1920’s, was an attraction along the historic Route 66, and continues today to provide fantastic views of the Painted Desert.  Its current design and interior reflects the work of Architect Mary Colter, who also did much work at the Grand Canyon.

Painted Desert Inn
Skylights – Painted Desert Inn


View from Painted Desert Inn
Painted Desert
Painted Desert
Painted Desert

 Village on the Rio Puerco

Another portion of the park contains the ruins of a 100+ room dwelling of the ancestral Peuebloan people (Anasasi) and petroglyphs created by these people in the 1250 – 1380 time period.


One of the rocks in the area is so heavily covered with images, it has been named “newspaper rock”.

Newspaper Rock

Another beautiful and fascinating part of the park is the Banded Badlands. 

Of course, there is the Petrified Forest itself!  But even that is a multi-faceted story… there is the petrified trees, but also the pre-dinosaurs that are also found here!


When we return next fall, we will have an opportunity to learn much more about the history, geology, and paleontology of this fascinating park!