Jamestown – Babalu Cafe then Street Basketball – Street Jam
We ate lunch at a delightful little breakfast & lunch diner called Babalu Cafe. Good sandwiches and a delightful staff. While we were chatting they told us about the Jamestown Street Jam which was under way that weekend. The city paints dozens and dozens of half-court basketball courts on the downtown streets and 400+ teams compete in 3-on-3 play. There are divisions for both men and women plus various age groups in a round-robin championship playoff. Of course there were street vendors & lots of folks around to cheer on their favorites. It was fun to watch, and Judith only had to restrain me a little from joining in — but I didn’t see an “over 60″ category! Oh well!
Fenton House
After leaving downtown we stopped at the Fenton House, a museum dedicated to NY Gov. Reuben Fenton and Jamestown in general. Many rooms of period (ca. 1863) furniture, as well as displays from the civil war period; progress on their archaeological digs on the site, and a section devoted to the Underground Railroad (which the Fenton House was a reputed part). For history buffs like us, it was great.
We will visit the Robert H. Jackson center another day!