We were tired of the 10 year old carpet in our Bighorn 5th Wheel. We are spending the summer on land at my son’s new home, and he has “every tool known to man” (Judith’s words), so this was the place to do it. Michael had installed plank flooring in the dining room of his house, and had found a local place with very good pricing.
We pulled up all of the old carpet and sheet flooring from the main living area.
Since Michael had experience, he showed us how to get started.
The project went really quite well, but we pondered “how do we handle the transition from the main floor to the slides?”
Michael suggested some sort of a rubber flap to cover the gap between the main floor and the floor of the slide. We kicked around some ideas and struck on the thought of using vinyl-rubber shoe base molding. We trimmed the shoe base to an appropriate width with a utility knife. We would cover the transition from the flooring to the shoe base with a vinyl flooring transition that snaps into an aluminum channel. We put down the channel, then put down Liquid Nails, placed the shoe base onto the glue, then stapled it in place for added stability.
Finally, we snapped the vinyl trim into place.
We think the end result turned out pretty well.